N3-PEG-SH 叠氮聚乙二醇巯基 外观:固体或液体,取决于分子量大小。 PEG可选分子量: 2000,3400,5000,10000 溶解度: 溶于DMSO,DMF,DCM,溶于水。 纯度:>95% 保存:-20℃,长期保存,避光,干燥 产品描述:Azide/azido functionalized polyethylene glycol (N3-PEG-X) is a bifunctional PEG derivative that can be used to modify proteins, peptides and other materials. Azide group can react with alkyne in aqueous solution catalyzed by copper. It can also be reduced into amine group easily while another functional group can be react with other molecules or functional groups. PEGylation can increase solubility and stability and reduce immunogenicity of peptides and proteins. It can also suppress the non-specific binding of charged molecules to the modified surfaces. 结构式: 供应商:杭州新乔生物科技有限公司 杭州新乔生物科技有限公司是国内的PEG衍生试剂供应商,我公司可以提供各种高分子PEG衍生物,分子量从1000-20000不等,涉及甲氧基PEG|氨基PEG|羧基PEG|巯基PEG|叠氮PEG|八臂PEG|四臂PEG|活性酯PEG |马来酰亚胺PEG|荧光素PEG|罗丹明PEG|丙烯酸酯PEG|磷脂PEG|琥珀酰亚胺PEG|炔基PEG|羟基PEG|硅烷PEG等基团,同时我公司新推出了单分散的小分子量PEG/PEO衍生物,PEG/PEO的重复单元从2个-24个不等,产品纯度高达98%以上。 |
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