Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI. 大家好,我是主持人李莹亮。 Coming up on today’s program.
重点提要 World's biggest trade deal takes effect for all members, boosting regional economic integration; Shenzhou-15 astronauts returned to Earth safely with fruitful results. Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻 The fully implemented Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership pact will significantly enhance economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region and sustain the long-term and stable growth of the global economy, the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday. The ministry's comments came as the Philippines became the final member to activate the RCEP agreement on Friday, making the mega free trade pact effective for all signatory countries. Under the agreement, more than 90 percent of trade in goods among approved member economies will gradually be tariff-free. The full-force implementation of the RCEP demonstrates the commitment and actions of all 15 participating countries toward supporting a multilateral trading system that is open, free, fair, inclusive and rules-based, said the ministry, stressing that it will notably elevate the level of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in East Asia. The RCEP came into force on Jan 1, 2022. It is a mega free trade agreement involving Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The 15 nations are home to 2.27 billion people with a combined GDP of $26 trillion and total exports of $5.2 trillion, accounting for about 30 percent of global trade in goods. In another statement released on Friday, the ministry's head of international trade and economic affairs said that the fully implemented RCEP pact will boost China's high-level opening-up to the world. The official emphasized the importance of ensuring the high-quality implementation of the RCEP, as it will foster the integration of regional industrial and supply chains, unlocking new opportunities for international economic and trade cooperation for localities, industries and companies, as well as facilitate the advancement of higher-level institutional opening-up from an elevated starting point. Bolstered by favorable tariff policies and their complementary trade structures, China's foreign trade with the other 14 RCEP members grew by 7.5 percent year-on-year to 12.95 trillion yuan in 2022, according to data from the General Administration of Customs. The momentum has also been sustained this year, with China's imports and exports with these countries surging 7.3 percent year-on-year to 4.1 trillion yuan in the first four months of 2023. 6月2日,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)对菲律宾正式生效,标志着RCEP对15个签署国全面生效。RCEP的全面生效充分体现了15方支持开放、自由、公平、包容和以规则为基础的多边贸易体制的决心和行动,将为区域经济一体化注入强劲动力,全面提升东亚贸易投资自由化便利化水平,助力地区和全球经济长期稳定发展。 2020年11月15日,东盟10国和澳大利亚、中国、日本、韩国、新西兰共同签署RCEP,并推动协定于2022年1月1日正式生效。2023年6月2日,RCEP对菲律宾正式生效,至此,协定对15个签署国全面生效。RCEP区域总人口、GDP总值、货物贸易金额均占全球比重约30%,协定对15方全面生效标志着全球人口最多、经贸规模最大、最具发展潜力的自由贸易区进入全面实施的新阶段。 业内人士普遍认为,RCEP全面生效实施,将带动成员国相互推进贸易投资,为区域经济一体化注入强劲动力。 商务部国际司负责人指出,在各方共同努力下,RCEP实施以来,成效初步显现。各成员间货物贸易往来更加密切,区域内贸易成为稳定和拉动各成员对外贸易增长的关键力量。同时,受益于RCEP生效实施释放的积极信号,本地区持续成为全球投资的热点区域,大多数成员利用外资呈现积极上升态势,区域整体吸引绿地投资增势强劲。 商务部数据显示,2023年1至4月,中国与RCEP其他成员国进出口总额为4.12万亿元,同比增长7.3%,占中国外贸进出口总额30.9%。从吸引外资看,1至4月中国实际利用RCEP其他成员投资额近89亿美元,同比增长超过13.7%。 商务部表示,RCEP为我国广大企业带来实实在在的红利和实惠。RCEP叠加我国和RCEP其他成员已生效的双边自贸协定,为企业更好享惠创造了良好条件,帮助企业降低了贸易成本。2022年,我国企业在RCEP项下享惠出口货值2353亿元人民币,可享受进口国关税减让15.8亿元;享惠进口货值653亿元,减让税款15.5亿元。2023年一季度,我国企业在RCEP项下享惠出口货值622.9亿元,可享受进口国关税减让9.3亿元;享惠进口货值182.5亿元,减让税款4.8亿元。 Three Chinese astronauts on board the Shenzhou-15 manned spaceship returned to Earth safely on Sunday, after completing their six-month space station mission. The return capsule carrying astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu, touched down at the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 6:33 a.m. (Beijing Time), according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). The astronauts were in good shape, and the Shenzhou-15 manned mission was a success, the agency announced. The Shenzhou-15 crew, China's oldest mission crew in terms of average age, successfully completed four extravehicular activities (EVAs), becoming the crew to accomplish the most EVAs of all Chinese crews to date. The crew has also witnessed the completion of the country's space station construction. 神舟十五安全回家:6月4日6时30分许,神舟十五号载人飞船返回舱成功在内蒙古额济纳旗境内的东风着陆场安全着陆,神舟十五号载人飞行任务取得圆满成功。在中国空间站出差186天的航天员费俊龙、邓清明、张陆终于回家了。神舟十五号载人飞船于2022年11月29日从酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,随后与天和核心舱对接形成组合体。作为迄今为止执行任务时平均年龄最大的航天员乘组,他们不仅刷新了中国航天员单个乘组出舱活动次数的纪录,还见证了中国空间站全面建成的历史时刻。 Next on industry and company news产业及公司新闻 China will accelerate the use of 5G in industries and ramp up research and development of 6G mobile technology, Jin Zhuanglong, minister of industry and information technology, said at the opening ceremony of the 31st China International Information and Communication Exhibition on Sunday. The ministry will speed up the construction of 5G enabled industrial internet, expand 5G application scenarios, and vigorously develop the intelligent, green and integrated manufacturing sector. China will also seek forward-looking arrangements in frontier areas such as next-generation internet, and comprehensively promote 6G research and development, according to Jin, as the ministry will support enterprises to increase their investment in R&D of artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing and more. 工信部将全面推进6G技术研发:工信部部长金壮龙4日在第31届中国国际信息通信展览会上表示,工信部将加快5G行业虚拟专网建设,深入实施5G应用扬帆行动,进一步丰富拓展5G应用场景,深化工业互联网融合,完善工业互联网技术体系、标准体系、应用体系,打造一批5G工厂。同时,金壮龙表示,工信部将前瞻布局下一代互联网等前沿领域,全面推进6G技术研发,营造良好发展环境,引导支持企业加大研发投入,加快人工智能、区块链、云计算、网络安全等新兴数字产业发展。 Sales of new-energy vehicles (NEVs) in China accounted for 60 percent of the world's total from January to April, and the NEV exports have remained strong thanks to the nation's strong industry chain, said Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the China Passenger Car Association on his WeChat account. According to Cui, global NEV sales reached 3.54 million from January to April, up 38 percent year-on-year. China's NEV sales totaled 2.11 million units, continuing to significantly surpass Europe and North America and giving China a clear advantage in NEVs. 1-4月中国占世界新能源车份额六成:6月3日,乘联会秘书长崔东树发文称,2023年世界新能源汽车走势较稳,2023年1至4月的广义新能源汽车销量592万台,其中混合动力达到147万台,占比25%。剔除普通混动后的世界新能源乘用车走势仍较强。受到高基数和各国补贴政策逐步退出的影响,2023年世界新能源乘用车走势较强,1至4月达到354万台,同比增长38%。根据全国乘联会数据,中国2023年1-4月的销量211万台,继续大幅超越欧洲和北美洲的销量,中国新能源车优势明显。 Plane ticket prices dive sharply for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, with the prices expected to be 20 percent lower than the May Day holiday, media reported on Sunday. Starting from June 5, the fuel surcharges on domestic air tickets in China will be cut for the third time this year, following the cuts on Jan 5 and April 5. Fuel surcharges have been reduced by 33.33 percent and 50 percent, respectively, for flights below 800 kilometers and above 800 kilometers. 端午机票价格较“五一”下降两成:今年端午假期,热门航线机票价格相比五一假期有所下降。去哪儿数据显示,目前中国国内端午假期平均机票价格较五一假期期间下降了两成。自6月5日起,国内航空公司燃油附加费迎来年内第3次下调,调整后的标准为,成人旅客:800公里(含)以下航段每位旅客收取20元,800公里以上航段每位旅客收取30元。算上机场建设费,800公里以上的远程航线附加成本为80元,旅客出行成本进一步减轻。 Shares of CATL slid as much as 5 percent today after rumor saying the Chinese battery giant is losing its biggest client Tesla because of the changing American subsidy policy. CATL quickly responded on the Shenzhen bourse's investor platform today, saying that the information which claimed CATL is no longer a Tesla supplier is not factual. No change has happened on the strategic partnership between the firm and Tesla as it will further advance in a sustained manner, the company said, adding that it has not heard about any United States customs' seizure of CATL batteries. 宁德时代辟谣被踢出特斯拉北美供应链:6月5日早间开盘后,有市场消息传出宁德时代不供应特斯拉北美,这也令宁德时代股价一度跌逾5%。据了解,这一消息指向特斯拉Model 3近期在美国享受的一则7500美元补贴。市场认为,如果能拿全补,那就意味着特斯拉电池组件和关键材料都符合了美国IRA法案生产规定。市场猜测这或对宁德时代产生不利。宁德时代随后在投资者平台上火速予以回应,表示“不供应特斯拉北美”这一消息不属实,公司与客户战略合作关系没有发生变化。同时公司回应,公司电池并未被美国海关扣押。 Switching gears to financial news金融市场消息 The Shanghai Futures Exchange has received regulatory approval to launch the world’s first alumina futures with physical delivery, the SHFE said on Friday. China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of alumina, with an output of nearly 81.9 million tons last year, accounting for more than half of the global total. The size of China’s alumina market is estimated at more than 200 billion yuan, based on last year’s average price. 全球首个实物交割氧化铝期货将推出:全球首个实物交割的氧化铝期货将在上海上市。6月2日,中国证监会同意上海期货交易所氧化铝期货注册,要求上期所做好各项准备工作,保障氧化铝期货的平稳推出和稳健运行。我国是全球最大的氧化铝生产国和消费国,2022年产量为8186万吨,占全球的一半以上,按照2022年均价,我国氧化铝市场规模超过2000亿元。 Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market股市收盘情况 Chinese stocks ended mixed on Monday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite adding 0.1 percent, while the Shenzhen Component dipped 0.5 percent. Hong Kong stocks finished sharply higher today, tracking a global advance, with the Hang Seng index up 0.8 percent and the TECH index gaining 0.4 percent. A股分化港股走高:周一A股大盘全天震荡分化,沪指微涨,创业板指陷入调整。截至收盘,沪指涨0.07%,深成指跌0.47%,创业板指跌1.39%。沪深两市今日成交额8738亿,较上个交易日缩量668亿。北向资金全天净卖出12.15亿元。港股全天震荡走高,截至收盘,恒指收涨0.84%,企稳19000关口上方,恒生科技指数收涨0.43%。 Biz Word of the Day 财经词汇划重点 Aluminais a synthetically produced aluminum oxide1 with the chemical formula Al2O3. It is used for smelting aluminum metal and making advanced ceramic products. Ninety-five percent of alumina is used in the production of electrolytic aluminum, with the rest used in the ceramics, chemicals, and pharmaceutical industries. Alumina is made from bauxite. 氧化铝又称三氧化二铝,是铝工业的主要原料,95%用于电解铝冶炼和生产,5%用于陶瓷、化工、制药等领域,由铝土矿经破碎、溶解、沉淀、烧结等工艺制成。 Executive Editor: Sonia YU Editor: LI Yanxia Host: Stephanie LI Writer: Stephanie LI Sound Editor: Stephanie LI Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News. Presented by SFC 编委: 于晓娜 策划、编辑:李艳霞 播音:李莹亮 撰稿:李莹亮 音频制作:李莹亮 设计:郑文静、廖苑妮 21世纪经济报道海外部 制作 南方财经全媒体集团 出品 |
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