Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
大家好,我是主持人李莹亮。 Coming up on today’s program. 重点提要 Major e-commerce platforms kick off 618 promotions; Elon Musk wraps up China trip after a late-night visit to Shanghai Gigafactory. Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours中国经济要闻 Major Chinese e-commerce platforms including JD.com and Taobao have reported buoyant sales during this year's 618 mid-year shopping festival, further proof of a bounce back in consumer spending. JD.com announced that brands including Midea, Haier, Xiaomi and Apple saw sales immediately exceed 100 million yuan after the platform kicked off the shopping spree at 8pm Wednesday. The number of brands whose sales exceeded 100 million in 10 minutes increased by 23 percent year-on-year, JD.com reported. More than 60 percent of new merchants saw their 10-minute sales volume surpass their daily volume in May, while nearly 50 percent of small and medium-sized merchants saw their sales volume jump by over 200 percent, according to data JD.com revealed on Thursday. The sales of new-energy vehicles (NEVs) continue to grow thanks to a series of favorable policies to boost automobile consumption. JD.com data showed that the sales of NEVs surged 200 percent year-on-year in first 10 minutes and sales volume of vehicle charging equipment jumped 30-fold during the same period. This year, domestic e-commerce platforms and brands have upped their effort to compete with each other, including offering discounts and consumption vouchers to attract online shoppers. Alibaba Group Holding’s e-commerce platform Tmall launched a presale campaign on May 26. For each purchase above 200 yuan, it offered a 30 yuan discount, and a 50-yuan deduction for those above 300 yuan. Cainiao Network, Alibaba’s logistics arm, said it will deliver parcels overnight in first-tier cities, with some major presale goods delivered in half a day. Apple's official online store on Tmall also joined the 618 shopping spree by offering coupons from Wednesday to Saturday. On Wednesday night, the Apple store ran its first livestreaming event on Tmall, which lasted about one hour and attracted an audience of 1.28 million people, data showed. The 618 shopping spree is an important window in observing new consumption trends, and also a barometer of China's consumer market. This year's 618 is also the first large-scale shopping festival since the country's adjustment of COVID-19 response measures in January, garnering widespread attention. 今年“618”大促昨晚8点全面开启,尾款人再次上线。今年的“618”年中大促被业界看作是消费潜力集中释放的“关键一战”,电商平台希望抓住这次机会提振信心。 5月31日晚8点,京东618火爆开启,美的、海尔、小米、格力、Apple等品牌瞬间破亿,10分钟破亿的品牌数量同比增加了23%,超六成的新商家10分钟成交额突破五月日均全天,近五成中小商家成交额增长超200%。 具体来看,3C数码品类依旧表现强劲。开门红10分钟内,Apple品牌成交额1秒破亿,小米、荣耀、OPPO、vivo、华为、三星等手机,以及MiniLED和OLED显示器、微单相机成交额同比增长均超100%。家电家居新品爆品深受追捧。美的1.5匹新一级酷省电空调成交额同比历史机型增长超5倍;索尼75英寸4K专业游戏电视成交额同比增长超200%。开门红前10分钟,京东汽车整车品类成交额同比增长128%,其中新能源汽车品类同比增长200%;汽车充电装备品类成交额同比增长30倍。此外,今年京东618,“交个朋友”正式入驻京东直播。开门红当晚,罗永浩6.18折京东直播卖房,上架即被一名上海用户拍下,一单立省120多万。 天猫618也在昨晚8点开启尾款支付,付尾款时可享天猫每满300-50和淘宝每满200-30优惠。今年“88VIP”大额券额度分别为“满5000-400”“满1500-120”,可以叠加300-50、200-30等优惠。昨晚19点,Apple Store 官方旗舰店在天猫开启首播。这也是苹果官方在电商平台的全球首次直播,时长一小时,共有128万人次观看,产品优惠最高可达1500元。这是苹果官方旗舰店首次以价格直降的方式参加天猫618。 继3月初京东全面上线百亿补贴频道后,今年京东618,参与百亿补贴的商品数量将达到3月的10倍以上。除黄金等品类外,京东百亿补贴商品也将全面享受“买贵双倍赔”服务。而淘宝天猫的百亿补贴则更聚焦于3C产品尤其是iPhone系列。另一边,拼多多今年则打出了“天天都是618”的概念,并不断扩充百亿补贴的商品覆盖范围,火力同样聚焦在数码3C。 各大电商在今年618格外重视提升配送服务的用户体验。今年京东618开门红,京东物流持续加码预售前置,将预售商品前置在全国超300个城市、数千个站点,待消费者支付尾款后,最快可实现分钟级收货。菜鸟也宣布,将于当晚8点在北京、上海和广州等城市启动预售订单夜派,消费者在淘宝天猫付完尾款,快递员连夜就派送,主要的预售包裹都将实现半日达。 Greater Bay Area, Greater future新使命,大未来 A total of 1,600 Hong Kong private car owners have been selected through "computer ballot" from more than 16,000 hopefuls who signed up on Monday and Tuesday to become the first applicants of the Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles program, a scheme that allows them to use their eligible vehicles to travel between the Hong Kong SAR and Guangdong province via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. The shortlisted applicants, who will receive an assigned application date by email, can formally apply between Thursday and June 10. “港车北上”今正式接受申请:6月1日9时起,“港车北上”开始接受合资格的香港私家车申请。广东省公安厅表示,开放申请后首周每个工作日接受200个申请,从第二周起每个工作日接受300个申请,之后会根据申请情况,逐步提升接受申请数目。5月29日,“港车北上”官方网站正式接受登记进行电脑抽签。记者从香港特区政府运输署官网获悉,截至5月30日23时59分,共有1.64万人登记申请,首轮获得分配抽签的号码共有1600个,中签者可于6月1日至10日递交申请,待香港和内地相关部门审批后,便可预约“通关”日期。 Next on industry and company news产业及公司新闻 China’s first domestically built large cruise "Adora Magic City" is undergoing final preparations for the floating of the vessel by adding water into the assembly dock on Thursday, and is scheduled to leave the dock on June 6. The ship is as tall as a 24-floor building and can accommodate over 6,500 passengers at capacity after being put into use. Built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co (SWS) under the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), the large cruise ship is the world's most complex single electronic product made up of over 25 million individual parts. 首艘国产大型邮轮6月6日出坞:今天凌晨2时,我国首艘国产大型邮轮开始注水起浮,即将开始出坞前最后的试验准备工作,预计将于6月6日正式出坞。这艘船的出现,填补了国产大型邮轮空白,实现国产大型邮轮领域零的突破。我国首艘国产大型邮轮总长323.6米,型宽37.2米,全船零件数有2500万个,共有2826间舱室。其中,乘客舱室2125间,船员舱室701间,总计面积约34600平方米,最多可容纳乘客5246人。高达16层的上层建筑生活区,拥有剧院、特色餐馆、购物广场、艺术走廊和水上乐园等丰富的休闲设施,被誉为移动的“海上现代化城市”。 Tesla CEO Elon Musk made a late-night visit to Shanghai Gigafactory Wednesday amid tight schedule during China visit. Photos of Musk's visit to Tesla's Shanghai factory showed him holding up a "Giga Shanghai" sign, flanked by hundreds of staff including head of global manufacturing Tom Zhu and Grace Tao, Tesla's China-based public affairs chief. Earlier in the trip, Musk met with China's foreign, commerce and industry ministers in Beijing where he also reportedly dined with the chairman of battery supplier CATL. Musk wrapped up his two-day trip in China and flew to the US on his private jet Thursday morning. 马斯克结束中国行:据报道,特斯拉CEO马斯克已于6月1日上午离开上海,结束了中国之行。在3天时间内,马斯克先抵达北京,先后与国务委员兼外长秦刚、商务部部长王文涛、工信部部长金壮龙会见,就中美经贸合作、特斯拉在华发展、新能源汽车和智能网联汽车等议题进行了广泛、深入的交流。结束在北京的访问之后,马斯克前往上海短暂停留,并于5月31日晚间拜访了特斯拉上海超级工厂。根据特斯拉官方微博消息,马斯克在5月31日夜间到访上海超级工厂,对全体特斯拉员工表达了感谢。他说,“我要告诉全世界,特斯拉上海超级工厂,不仅是世界上生产效率最高的工厂之一,同时造出的车也是全世界品质最好的车之一。” Jensen Huang, cofounder and chief executive of US chipmaker Nvidia, is said to be planning to go to China in the coming week, according to an Nvidia insider on Wednesday, adding that Huang will visit some distributors in the country. A separate source said visits to Tencent Holdings and ByteDance will be included in Huang’s itinerary. 英伟达CEO黄仁勋传下周赴华:5月31日上午消息,有英伟达中国区代理商透露,未来一周,英伟达CEO黄仁勋将要到访中国大陆,并和一些厂商展开交流。另据报道引述一位知情人士称,黄仁勋的日程安排上包括腾讯控股、字节跳动等企业。 Property sales at China’s top 100 developers slumped more than 14 percent last month from the previous one, mainly because home buyers showed less willingness to purchase, and developers were not active in promoting their properties, according to data released by market agency China Real Estate Information(CRIC). The top 100 Chinese real estate firms sold 485.4 billion yuan worth of properties in May, data from the CRIC showed yesterday. 百强房企5月销售环比降14%:购房者置业情绪回落、房企推盘积极性普遍不高,百强房企的销售表现延续低迷的态势。据第三方研究机构克而瑞发布的5月销售数据显示,百强房企实现销售操盘金额4853.6亿元,环比降低14.3%,但同比仍增长6.7%。 Chinese smartphone maker Honor has established an integrated circuit design company in Shanghai. Shanghai Honor Intelligence Technology Development was set up yesterday with a registered capital of 100 million yuan, according to corporate information platform Qichacha. The new firm is one of Honor’s five research centers in China and will focus on developing core software on the terminal side, graphic algorithm, communications, and photography, the Shenzhen-based company said yesterday. 荣耀回应新设公司自研芯片传言:国家企业信用信息公示系统显示,5月31日,荣耀全资控股的上海荣耀智慧科技开发有限公司正式成立,该公司的经营范围除了技术服务、技术开发、信息系统集成服务、电子产品销售、通信设备销售、软件开发等之外,还包括集成电路芯片及产品销售、集成电路设计等。这也引发了外界对荣耀将布局自研芯片的猜测。5月31日晚,荣耀方面对媒体表示,上海荣耀智能科技开发有限公司是荣耀位于上海的研究所,是荣耀在中国的5个研究中心之一,重点方向在终端侧核心软件、图形算法、通信、拍照等方面研究开发工作。 Switching gears to financial news金融市场消息 New Development Bank will raise the share of project financing denominated in the currencies of its member nations to meet the demand of developing countries and emerging economies, the lender’s new president said. NDB’s priorities are to expand membership and provide more financing services in local currencies, Dilma Rousseff, who took office last month, said at the bank’s eighth annual meeting in Shanghai yesterday. Local currency financing represented 21.5 percent of the bank’s portfolio as of the end of the first quarter and the goal is to raise the figure to 30 percent. 新开发银行支持成员国本币投融资:新开发银行近日在上海举行第八届理事会年会。新开发银行行长罗塞夫介绍,银行将继续支持成员国本币投融资,持续扩大“朋友圈”,支持新兴经济体发展,将发展中国家声音传递到更多的地方去。“人民币是我们的核心锚定本币,我们会进一步发行熊猫债券。”新开发银行副行长兼首席财务官莱斯利·马斯多普说,银行将在6月发行以南非兰特计价的债券,还在印度推进以卢比计价的融资计划。目前,银行以成员国本币提供的融资金额占投资总额的比例约为22%,到2026年,将把以成员国本币进行融资的比例提升到30%。 China’s largest passenger carrier China Southern Airlines said it plans to raise funds through private placements to purchase new airplanes and supplement working capital. The carrier announced late yesterday that it is preparing a 17.5 billion yuan private placement of shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and a HKD2.9 billion private placement of shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 南航拟最高定增175亿:5月31日,南方航空发布公告称,公司拟定增募资不超175亿元,发行数量不超过约54.36亿股(含本数)。其中,控股股东南航集团拟以现金认购此次发行股份金额不低于50亿元且不高于100亿元。同时,公司拟向特定对象南龙控股发行不超8.55亿股H股股票,且募资总额不超过29亿港元,扣除发行费用后将全部用于补充公司一般运营资金。对于A股的大额定增,南方航空方面表示,本次向特定对象发行A股股票募集资金,扣除发行费用后将全部用于引进50架飞机项目及补充流动资金,进一步扩大机队规模。 Thirty-nine Chinese businesses have filed to go public outside of the mainland in the two months since China's new regulations on offshore listings took effect. Thirty-six of them applied to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and three on New York’s Nasdaq Stock Market, according to the latest figures from the China Securities Regulatory Commission. 新规落地两月境外上市回暖:据证监会最新数据(截至5月25日)显示,境外上市新规落地近两个月来,排队企业数量已经达到39家。其中3家计划赴纳斯达克上市,其余均为拟赴港交所上市。今年2月17日,中国证监会发布《境内企业境外发行证券和上市管理试行办法》,自3月31日起正式实施。 Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market股市收盘情况 Chinese stocks edged up on Thursday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite closing nearly flat, while the Shenzhen Component rose 0.4 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index ended 0.1 percent lower despite having spent most of the day in positive territory, while the TECH index gained 0.1 percent. A股港股冲高回落:周四A股三大指数冲高回落,截至收盘,沪指收平,深成指涨0.39%,创业板指涨0.59%。沪深两市全天成交额9866亿元,北向资金净卖出18.02亿元。港股今日早间集体冲高,午后再度回落转跌,截至收盘,恒指收跌0.1%,恒生科技指数微涨0.11%。 Biz Word of the Day 财经词汇划重点 An integrated circuitor monolithic integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material, usually silicon. Large numbers of miniaturized transistors and other electronic components are integrated together on the chip. 集成电路是一种微型电子器件或部件。采用一定的工艺,把一个电路中所需的晶体管、电阻、电容和电感等元件及布线互连一起,制作在一小块或几小块半导体晶片或介质基片上,然后封装在一个管壳内,成为具有所需电路功能的微型结构。 Executive Editor: Sonia YU Editor: LI Yanxia Host: Stephanie LI Writer: Stephanie LI Sound Editor: Stephanie LI Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News. Presented by SFC 编委: 于晓娜 策划、编辑:李艳霞 播音:李莹亮 撰稿:李莹亮 音频制作:李莹亮 设计:郑文静、廖苑妮 21世纪经济报道海外部 制作 南方财经全媒体集团 出品 |
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